PUCH & Austro-Daimler - Road Bikes (1976-1987)

The cult brand PUCH was founded by Johann Puch in 1889 in Graz in the capital of Styria. Later on PUCH merged with Austro-Daimler. In the era from 1976 to 1987 PUCH produced road bikes also under the label Austro-Daimler before the trademarks was sold to Piaggio from Italy.

This retrospective will give a view on the road bikes produced by PUCH in this glory era.
On one hand this site provides an overview on PUCH and Austro-Daimler models and on the other hand a reference to serial numbers shall help you to determine the date of production of your own PUCH or Austro-Daimler bicycle.

This summary is currently not complete and some references are missing.
So if you have content that can support this summary, feel free to contact me.

PUCH & Austro-Daimler - (Frame) Number Registry PUCH - Official Models (Year) PUCH - Official Models (Name) PUCH - Model Specifications

For those bicycle enthusiasts that have interest in building their own bicycle frame - here is reference to the software project named rattleCAD:

rattleCAD 4.0 - CAD-Software for Bicycle Frame Builders